How Do You Perceive Reality?

It’s Spring in the Upper Midwest! Hallelujah! The weather was bright and sunny today and the forecast is above freezing for the next week and a half. Melting snow and rain boot season is here, and it brings with it a vibrant energy of growth. There’s a lot of discussion about when spring really starts. Is it a specific date? When the crocus blooms? For me, it’s when I walk outside and the cold doesn’t hurt my face! (Very low standards here in Wisconsin.)  

The return of the birds is one of my favorite signs of spring. They have been chirping their beaks off at dawn for the last two weeks. A few days ago, I saw a frustrated little chickadee out in my garden. It reminded me of one of my favorite analogies for explaining how loved ones in Spirit do not miss out on what happens in our lives. 

My garden is very narrow and is shaded by the house most of the day. I usually move my computer up to my dining room to work so I can look out the window and enjoy the flowers. To help me get a better view of my roses, and to increase the amount of light the plants receive, I lean old mirrors against the fence.  It’s really neat, and I can see so much more of the garden from my window. 

I first spotted the chickadee through the kitchen window while I was pouring my morning coffee. He was hopping around on the snow in front of a mirror and would try to jump into it. He’d fall back onto the snow, shake his head, and do it again. This sort of scene carried on all day. He’d hop onto a hydrangea branch, stare at himself in the mirror and try to jump onto the branch that was reflected in the glass. He’d perch on the top edge of the mirror, lean over, look at himself and AGAIN try to somersault into what he perceived as another part of the garden. 

Mirrors provide an interesting view, don’t they? In the chickadee’s case, he just couldn’t see beyond his own reality. 

One of the great concerns people share with me during their grieving is that their loved ones didn’t live to see their grandchildren, graduations, weddings, etc.

But your loved ones in Spirit really do see what happens after they pass. They share those special moments with you, both the joyous and difficult ones.

To help people understand this better, I explain it like this:

Everyone has seen a television show with a police questioning room in it. The subject sits on a chair alone and is surrounded by walls made of two-way mirrors.  All he can see is his own reality reflected back at him. Yet on the “Other Side” of those mirrors sit many people who are able to see through the glass and observe everything the subject is doing. 

Easy to understand, right? We get very caught up in our reality, because it’s all we can see in the looking glass. But that is not true for our loved ones who have passed into the next dimension—call it Heaven, the Other Side, the Spirit World, or whatever you like. They don’t miss anything!

Just a few weeks ago I connected a family to their son who had recently passed. After his message, he communicated for me to “Tell my mom I see the new broom.” Sure enough, she had just bought a new broom for the kitchen. If he sees the new broom, he certainly sees the big things that are happening! It’s important to pay attention to these kinds of small details during a connection with a medium. They are so specific that only those living in the home will be able to validate them. Non-Google-able, as I like to say.

Try to remember the mirror analogy next time you feel that wave of sadness creep in and you think of what your loved one is missing. They see you. They send you their support and prayers. 

©Mollie Morning Star 2014  Short excerpts of this article may be shared on the internet provided a live link back to this original source is used. Reproduction in print is prohibited.