The final moments of physical life.
/Without a doubt, one of the most difficult challenges we will ever face is coping as someone we love experiences their final moments here on the physical Earth. When a Soul is communicating during a reading, they never seem too concerned about how they passed. They will often acknowledge it, as a means to correctly validate their identity, but they don't emotionally cling to the experience. This includes those who pass in horrific, tragic circumstances. To give a bit of perspective on it, I always ask people, "Do you remember the moment of your physical birth? Surely, it must have hurt! Do you replay that painful moment over and over in your head throughout your life?" The answer is always, "No." It was simply a way for the Soul to get a "vehicle" to carry it through an Earthly journey. Likewise, when someone has passed into eternal life, they do not ruminate over the circumstance that was the mode of transit for the Soul to renter the Spirit plane. Helen Keller was quoted as saying, "Death is no more than a passing from one room to another." I agree with this.
At the group event in Pennsylvania this past weekend, a woman named Linda received a message from her father, concerning her mother, who was in hospice care. He urgently communicated, "You need to take care of yourself. Get something to eat. Take a shower. It's okay if your mom passes when you walk out to go to the bathroom. You've done a wonderful job. Your best is good enough. We are here and all ready to receive her. You're not doing this alone." Linda had been brought to the reading by a friend, who picked her up at the hospice center. She hadn't eaten in 24 hours. Or bathed. Or slept. This had been going on for weeks as her mother was nearing the end. Linda was so incredibly stunned and grateful to receive that validation from her father. The next day I received a thank you note from Linda's friend for the great comfort and peace she was able to receive from her message. Linda herself posted on my Facebook Page: "I wanted to say thank you so much for connecting me with my family yesterday. The past few days have been so incredibly difficult and hearing from my dad that I had done a great job and that he had a plan to take care of my Mom allowed my mind to be more at ease. My mom passed peacefully overnight with us at her side."
Time and time again those in Spirit have let me know that moments before a tragic passing occurred, their Soul was lifted free of the physical body and they experienced no pain. Many Souls have communicated that they were greeted by family and pets at the time of their transition, despite the fact they passed alone in their homes. Repeatedly I hear stories of people talking to deceased loved ones in their final days of life. They see and hear them as if they are present...and they are.
Take some comfort. Spirit always validates their well being so we can lay our worst nightmares to rest. The last moments here are the beginning of a life more beautiful than we can conceive, but will experience in due time.
©Mollie Morning Star 2014 Short excerpts of this article may be shared on the internet provided a live link back to this original source is used. Reproduction in print is prohibited.