The Right Place, The Right Time.
/I'm just back from the end of my fall tour which concluded in New England on Sunday. I had such a great time traveling, seeing the autumn colors and making new friends both in the flesh and in Spirit. These intimate group readings truly allow us the opportunity to share these incredible encounters on a personal level with Spirit and one another.
Yet from time to time, it's natural for all of us to wonder if we're on the right path. And though I love my job, sometimes the simple desire to sleep in my own bed gets me wondering. Luckily, if I'm ever curious whether I'm in the right place, Spirit always shows up with some wonderful coincidence to show me my path is true. This was the case during my recent travels, and chances are, Spirit reaches out to you the same way, too.
After landing at Boston Logan airport Thursday evening in dreary rain, my assistant, Mary, and I drove to New Hampshire for the night. We don't have much extra time while on a multi-city tour, but we try to squeeze in an hour or two of local flavor each morning whenever possible. The first night we stayed at an historic inn near Portsmouth, on Castle Island. When the sun came up Friday morning, we looked out the window to see we were surrounded by water, boats and beautiful fall foliage. It was breathtaking and incredibly peaceful. We made our way down to breakfast, which was served in a gorgeous dining room with a domed ceiling, a roaring fire and overstuffed chairs. It was emblematic of quintessential New England charm, and we smiled at each other and stifled a giggle while listening to the valet speak in his thick Boston accent. A young woman came to the table and introduced herself as our server. We remarked about how wonderful the atmosphere was, and how stunning the fall leaves were as they were reflected off the water. I asked if she was from New Hampshire. She said, yes, she lived there most of her life but was born in Wisconsin. With my curiosity piqued, I inquired, "What town?" "Oh, a little place called Sheboygan," she replied. We could hardly believe that the first person we met on the first morning of our trip was from the same small town we had left only hours beforehand! It was a sure sign to me from Spirit that we were in the right place.
At Castle Island, New Hampshire
Another string of interesting coincidences happened while on tour in California three weeks ago which also let me know I was in the right place, at the right time. Flash back to a year ago: I was invited by Marc Mondavi to be a special guest at a wine dinner at the Iron Horse Hotel in Milwaukee, to introduce the release of his label produced by Charles Krug called, The Divining Rod. Marc uses dowsing rods to source water in many of the vineyards in Napa and calls himself a "Water Witch." It was a really fun event, Marc had copper rods for everyone and demonstrated his dowsing methods and I did random readings while everyone enjoyed a fabulous meal. Fast forward to this April, when my ultra-cool, psychic friend, Mark Christopher Nelson, said during a reading that he saw me "At a very special winery" in the near future.
This brings us up to the present, mid-October, and an amazing coincidence. While on tour in Northern California, a good friend of mine took me to Napa for lunch and a late afternoon drive up the Silverado Trail. The trail is 26-mile scenic route from Napa to Calistoga with vineyard after vineyard. It is absolutely gorgeous in the fall, and with the setting sun illuminating the hills, it was just sensational! Near the end of our drive, I realized the light was nearly gone and I wanted to take some photos. I asked my friend to pull into the next winery. A minute later she pulled into a long driveway, only to round the corner and see a large "Charles Krug" sign. A very special winery indeed! They had closed a few minutes earlier but were kind enough to let us in for a quick look around and a chance to capture a few splendid pictures. I had to shake my head at the connection; I literally have no ties to any winery in Napa (or anywhere else for that matter) so it really delighted me to visit the home of the people I had met the year before at the special wine dinner.
At Charles Krug Vineyard, California.
The string of coincidences got one step more bizarre when a friend, who doesn't know any of this, sent me a quote from a book called "The Divining Rod," by Michael Knight. Okay Universe, I got it!
The signs are everywhere if we only choose to see them. It's not only about receiving a sign from a loved one who has passed. It could be a road marker, like the signs I received, that in the Divine scheme of things, I was in the right place, at the right time, following my path for the highest good.
Right now, all my signs are pointing to turkey dinners, festive decorations, cuddles with my kitty and cherished time with family and friends. To all of you who have supported me during my travels this year, I thank you! It was my greatest pleasure and a humble honor to experience your loved ones with you.
©Mollie Morning Star 2014 Short excerpts of this article may be shared on the internet provided a live link back to this original source is used. Reproduction in print is prohibited.